Once a month, Laura and I take a day to appreciate something specific about life and spend some intentional time with each other. We alternate months, each of us taking a turn to choose something to appreciate.
This month was Laura's. She chose wind.
It was the perfect day for it. High temperatures in the 60s and a strong south wind. So we flew kites, made pinwheels and took photos from the top of a campus building.
From the top of Bailey Hall, the wind was incredibly powerful. I almost fell over once.
Feeling the wind strength, it reminded me of the section in Luke 8 when the disciples look at Jesus after he calms a storm. In awe, they say to each other, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."
That was good for me to remember. Sometimes this dollar-a-day thing gets discouraging, but this very same Jesus says a little later in Luke 8, "Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.... Your Father knows that you need them."
If my God rules the wind and waves, I know He can surely provide for my true needs.
I am appreciative.
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