Thursday, March 13

Day 37: Sympathy or Empathy?

"Oh, sorry"

I've heard this phrase so many times in the past month. It usually happens after someone eats or talks about eating around me.

  • "Man, I love these peanut M&Ms!" (oh, sorry)
  • "Here, have a cookie." (oh, sorry)
  • "You wanna go to IHOP with us for pancakes?" (oh, sorry)

I've noticed this happening more and more. Let me say just a few things about it:

  1. I completely understand. I would say (and have said) the same thing in your shoes.
  2. But I feel bad that you feel bad about my situation. It makes me feel... pitiful.
  3. I don't feel bad about my own situation, so condolences really aren't necessary.

Realizing these things now makes my re-think my own perspective on poverty. My sorries don't do much good here. If anything, they probably make things a bit worse.

So what would help?

For me, I couldn't go without a Barnabas.

In the book of Acts, this man Barnabas came alongside the apostles--especially the apostle Paul--in some tough times. Barnabas wasn't even his real name. His real name was Joseph. But the apostles nicknamed him Barnabas, which means Son of Encouragement.

That's what I really need--a son of encouragement.

I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad about the things they've said or done. I just want to be able to look back on this experience long after it's complete (after I've forgotten what it feels like) and remember.

They don't want pity or sorries. They just want a little encouragement.

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