Wednesday, February 20

Day 15: Unity in Pizza Rolls

"Just eat it. It's free."

I hear this often from people around me. We have Sunday School breakfasts, baked birthday goodies, Bible Study snacks--and someone usually pays for it out of kindness. Cost to me: zero, usually.

Still, things like this don't happen often to some other people. So during this process, I have a rule of thumb as far as what I can eat. If I bought it, I can eat it.

So this was allowed. The DEAL OF THE WEEK:

Totino's Pizza Rolls!
Total cost (after sale and coupon): $0.04/box

I love it! And I also learned something from it.

Laura and I would never have known about this deal had we not received a hot tip from someone else. It made me think about something Laura used to say about the families in Nairobi:

"They have so little. But they're usually so happy."

When we don't have much, we have to depend on other people. Dependence builds unity. And unity builds happiness--and in this case, pizza rolls!

In some ways, these poor are actually richer than I am. I suppose we're all poor in some way or another.

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