Thursday, February 28

Day 23: Entitlement

For a long time I prayed before meals, but I think it was sometimes just out of habit. I pray; I eat. That's the way it works.

Today, though, I noticed that I prayed for my sandwich while I was walking between classes.

I didn't used to pray for something like that. I guess it's because a sandwich on-the-go doesn't really feel like a meal, so I didn't usually think about it. But today I did. I thanked God for providing my sandwich (and it was a good sandwich too--since I bought lettuce yesterday).

Afterward, I wondered why I'd never prayed that way before. Part of the reason is that I never thought to thank God for something so small (and now a sandwich is no small thing). But I think the biggest reason is the feeling I have:

A sense of entitlement.

It's my food. I bought it. I need it. I've never been seperated from it. So I deserve to have it. I have a right to eat.

I know it's wrong, but I think that I've always assumed those sorts of feelings without even knowing it. Sometimes I think I still do--which is why this dollar-a-day process helps put me back in my place. It reminds me of that old proverb:

"God opposes the proud
but gives grace to the humble."

He constantly provides for me, though I don't deserve it (even when I think I do). I am not entitled to His grace, yet He still gives freely.

What a great God. I am thankful.

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