Thursday, February 21

Day 16: Gaining Wait, Losing Weight

Two things since I began this process:

1) I've gained a bit of self-control in staving off urges to eat for fun.
2) I've lost weight--about seven pounds--in the past two weeks.

I noticed it this morning when I had pull my belt a notch tighter. I'm not thrilled about this (since I'm not that big a guy to begin with), but I suppose it's part of the experience.

But let me focus on the positive. In spite of the food reduction, Laura and I are trying hard to stay safe and healthy throughout. Buying groceries is a little easier now that I can use foods I've purchased but not yet finished from the past two weeks.

Here were my groceries for this week. For the first time, I was able to buy all the food groups: dairy, grain, fruit, vegetable, and meat!

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